Distance Learning - Parish Nursing

Dr. Marcy Schnorr

The LCMS Parish Nurse Council offers a 17-module course for RNs wishing to become Parish Nurses in collaboration with the Lutheran Nurses Association of Australia.

The schedule is flexible and encouraged to be completed within six months.

Many complete the course in less than six months.

The course was developed by practicing clergy and parish nurses and reviewed by LCMS clergy and practicing parish nurses.

Module 17 is specific to the organization and resources available for parish nurses within the LCMS.

The course is designed for the RN as an introduction to parish nursing, but it can be adapted to others within the health professions wishing to serve as congregational health advocates.

Personalized mentoring is provided throughout the courses and periodic optional zoom meetings are provided to add the group discussion component. For more information contact Dr. Marcy Schnorr (marcyschnorr2009@gmail.com) or at 1-815-562-2744 (mornings).